Home page options

New in 0.8.2

Display of workload information

Config options

Figure 1: The Config menu (user and admin)

The home page can be configured to show the number of studies carried out in the past 7 (default) and 28 (default) days for each system. These default values can be changed by logging in, clicking on the Config menu at the right-hand end of the navigation bar, and then selecting the Home page options entry under User level config shown in the upper section of figure 1. This takes the user to a page where the two time periods can be viewed and updated (figure 2).

The home page options form

Figure 2: The home page options form

By default the display of workload information is disabled; this can be changed by an OpenREM administrator via the Home page options. When an OpenREM administrator views the home page options a tick box is included that enables or disables the display of workload data on the home page (figure 3).

The home page options admin form

Figure 3: The home page options admin form