Offline Installation on Windows

In order to carry out an offline installation you will need to download the OpenREM package and dependencies. The instructions below should work for downloading on any operating system, as long as you have Python 2.7 and a reasonably up to date version of pip installed.

If you have trouble when installing the Python packages due to incorrect architecture, you may need to either download on a Windows system similar to the server (matching 32-bit/64-bit), or to download the files from instead.

On a computer with internet access

Download independent binaries

Python from

  • Follow the link to the ‘Latest Python 2 release’
  • Download either the Windows x86 MSI installer for 32-bit Windows or
  • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer for 64-bit Windows

Erlang from

  • Download the latest version of Erlang/OTP. Again, choose between
  • Windows 32-bit Binary File or
  • Windows 64-bit Binary File

RabbitMQ from

  • Download rabbitmq-server-x.x.x.exe from either option

PostgreSQL from

Note: Other databases such as MySQL are also suitable, though the median function for charts will not be available. For testing purposes only, you could skip this step and use SQLite3 which comes with OpenREM

  • Download by clicking on the icon for Win x86-32 or Win x86-64

PostgreSQL Python connector from

  • Find the right version - look for psycopg2-x.x.x-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl for 32-bit Windows or
  • psycopg2-x.x.x-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl for 64-it Windows.
  • At the time of writing, x.x.x was 2.6.1 - choose the latest cp27 version

NumPy from

  • Find the right version - look for numpy-x.xx.x+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win32.whl for 32-bit Windows or
  • numpy-x.xx.x+mkl-cp27-cp27m-win_amd64.whl for 64-bit Windows.
  • At the time of writing, x.xx.x was 1.11.0 - choose the latest cp27 version

Pynetdicom from

  • The downloaded file will be named something like edmcdonagh-pynetdicom-2da8a57b53b3.tar.gz
  • Note: this version is modified in comparison to the version in PyPI

A webserver such as Apache, although this can be left till later - you can get started with the built-in web server

Download python packages from PyPI

In a console, navigate to a suitable place and create a directory to collect all the packages in, then use pip to download them all:

mkdir openremfiles
pip install -d openremfiles openrem==0.7.4

Copy everything to the Windows machine

  • Add the pynetdicom file, the psycopg2 file and the numpy file to the directory with the other python packages
  • Copy this directory plus all the binaries to the Windows server that you are using

On the Windows server without internet access

Installation of binaries

Install the binaries in the following order:

  1. Python
  2. Erlang
  3. RabbitMQ

Installation of the python packages

In a console, navigate to the directory that your openremfiles directory is in, and

pip install openremfiles\numpy‑1.11.0+mkl‑cp27-cp27m‑win32.whl
# or if you have the 64 bit version
pip install openremfiles\numpy‑1.11.0+mkl‑cp27-cp27m‑win_amd64.whl
# adjusting the version number appropriately

pip install --no-index --find-links=openremfiles openrem==0.7.4

pip install openremfiles\edmcdonagh-pynetdicom-2da8a57b53b3.tar.gz

Install PostgreSQL

See the instructions to Install PostgreSQL on Windows.

Install webserver

If you are doing so at this stage.

Configure OpenREM ready for use

OpenREM is now installed, so go straight to the Configuration section of the standard installation docs