
From OpenREM version 1.0.0+ charts use the Plotly open source Python library.

Chart types

The charts below are examples of the types of chart included in OpenREM version 1.0.0+. The examples are fully interactive in the same way as the charts included in a live OpenREM system. The data contained in the example charts is synthetic.

Single-clicking on a legend entry toggles the display of that series. Double-clicking on a legend entry hides all but that series; double-click again to show all series.

Hovering the cursor over a chart causes the chart menu to appear along the top right corner. From the menu you can:

  • save a bitmap version of the chart

  • set zoom, pan and selection options

  • autoscale the chart

  • reset the axes, and also reset the regions

  • toggle spike lines to graphically illustrate x- and y-axis data values on hover

  • choose whether to show the closest data when hovering, or to compare data on hover

Bar chart of average values across categories

These can be configured to show mean or median data. The example below shows the median DAP for each requested procedure name containing the word “knee” across eight x-ray rooms.

When viewing a chart of this type in OpenREM, the chart data can be downloaded as a csv file by clicking the Download csv button displayed below the chart. This feature is not available for the example charts in this document.

Hovering the cursor over a bar shows the:

  • x-ray room name

  • requested procedure name

  • median DAP for that room and procedure

  • number of requests for that room and procedure

Boxplot of values across a number of categories

The example below shows the same data as for the bar chart above, but presented as a box plot.

Hovering the cursor over an outlier shows the:

  • x-ray room name

  • requested procedure name

  • DAP of the data point

Hovering the cursor over the box shows the:

  • maximum value

  • minimum value

  • median

  • 1st and 3rd quartiles

  • lower fence: 1rd quartile - (1.5 x interquartile range)

  • upper fence: 3rd quartile + (1.5 x interquartile range)

Histogram bar chart of values across categories

The example below shows the distribution of DAP values for the knee data used in the box and bar plots above. The number of bins used in the histograms can be configured in the Additional chart options on the Config page.

Hovering the cursor over a bar shows the:

  • requested procedure name

  • x-ray room name

  • bin DAP range

  • bin DAP mid-point value

  • bin frequency

Bar chart of category frequency

The example below shows the frequency of the “knee” requested procedures for each x-ray room. The height of each bar is the total frequency for that requested procedure. Each bar is sub-divided into sections representing the number of requests for each x-ray room.

When viewing a chart of this type in OpenREM, the chart data can be downloaded as a csv file by clicking the Download csv button displayed below the chart. This feature is not available for the example charts in this document.

Hovering the cursor over a bar section shows the:

  • x-ray room name

  • requested procedure name

  • requested procedure frequency

Setting Grouping choice to System names in the Chart options on the modality pages groups the data by x-ray system name rather than requested procedure name, as shown below:

Scatter chart of x vs y values

The example below shows the average glandular dose plotted against compressed breast thickness for “MAMMOGRAM” acquisitions made on two x-ray systems.

Hovering the cursor over a bar section shows the:

  • x-ray room name

  • acquisition protocol name

  • compressed breast thickness

  • average glandular dose

Bar chart of workload

These show the number of studies taking place per weekday, sub-divided into hours of the day.

There is a bar per weekday. The total height of this bar is the number of studies carried out on that weekday. Each bar is sub-divided into sections representing the number of studies carried out in each of the 24 hours of that day. Each section is colour-coded according to how many studies it represents.

Hovering the cursor over a section shows you the:

  • x-ray room name

  • day of the week that the section represents

  • hour of the day that the section represents

  • number of studies that took place in that hour on that weekday in that x-ray room

Line chart of average value over time

These can be configured to show mean or median data. Each datapoint represents the average over a user-specified time period. This can be a day, week, month, quarter or year.

The example below shows the median DAP for “Head” requests made in four CT scanners over the course of five years.

With Grouping choice set to Series item names in the Chart options on the modality pages a sub-plot is created for each requested procedure name, each with a series per x-ray system as shown below. The Number of charts per row in the Additional chart options on the Config page was set to 2 for these example charts.

Hovering the cursor over a section shows you the:

  • scanner name

  • requested procedure name

  • date

  • average DLP value

  • number of requests included in the sample

Setting Grouping choice to System names in the Chart options on the modality pages changes the grouping. Now a sub-plot is created for each x-ray system, each with a series per requested procedure name, as shown below:

Bar chart of average value against another binned value across categories

These can be configured to show mean or median data. The example below shows the median average glandular dose from “MAMMOGRAM” protocol exposures plotted against compressed breast thickness bins. The data is from two x-ray systems.

Hovering the cursor over a section shows you the:

  • x-ray room name

  • acquisition protocol

  • average AGD value

  • number of acquisitions included in the sample

  • compressed breast thickness bin range

Chart options on the modality pages


Configuration options


Average plots

Any combination of mean,
median or boxplot

Time period

One of day, week, month,
quarter or year

Applies to over-time charts

Grouping choice

System names or
Series item names

System names groups by x-ray system
Series item names groups by each category

Plot a series per system

On or off

Splits the data by x-ray system

Calculate histogram data

On or off

Calculate histograms for average bar charts

Chart sorting

One of name, frequency
or value

Sort the chart data according to the
selected choice

Sorting direction

Ascending or

Sets the sort direction

Split plots by physician

On or off

Calculate a series per physician
(some fluoroscopy charts only)

Additional chart options on the Config page


Configuration options


Number of histogram bins

Value in the range 2 - 40

Default is 10

Fixed histogram bins across sub-plots

On or off

Forces all histogram sub-plots
to use the same bins

Case-insensitive categories

On or off

Category names forced to lowercase
For example, “Chest PA” becomes “chest pa”

Remove category whitespace padding

On or off

Removes spaces at beginning and end of category
names, replaces multiple spaces with single spaces
For example, “ Chest PA “ becomes “Chest PA”

Colour map choice

One of the available
matplotlib colour maps

See the available colourmaps section

Chart theme

One of Plotly, Plotly white,
Plotly dark, presentation,
ggplot2, Seaborn or
simple white

Set the Plotly theme to use for the charts.
Some example themed charts are provided below.
Examples of all themes on the Plotly themes
page (external link).

Number of charts per row

Value in the range 1 - 10

Sets the number of sub-plots in each row

Available colourmaps



Red yellow blue




Pink yellow green


Purple green


Brown green


Purple orange


Red blue


Red grey


Yellow green blue


Yellow orange brown














Some available themes

The example Chart types at the top of this document use the default Plotly theme. Below are some examples of other available themes.

Plotly dark


Simple white

Available CT charts

Chart name

Chart type

Acquisition frequency

Bar chart of acquisition protocol frequency

Acquisition DLP

Bar chart of average DLP per acquisition protocol
Boxplot with data point per acquisition protocol
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Acquisition CTDIvol

Bar chart of average CTDIvol per acquisition protocol
Boxplot with data point per acquisition protocol
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Acquisition DLP over time

Line chart of average DLP over time
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition CTDIvol over time

Line chart of average CTDIvol over time
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition DLP vs mass

Scatter chart of DLP vs patient mass for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition CTDIvol vs mass

Scatter chart of CTDIvol vs patient mass for each
acquisition protocol

Study frequency

Bar chart of study description frequency

Study DLP

Bar chart of average DLP per study description
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Study CTDIvol

Bar chart of average CTDIvol per study description
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Study events

Bar chart of average number of radiation events per study description
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Study DLP over time

Line chart of average DLP over time
for each study description

Study workload

Bar chart of number of studies carried out on each day of the
week, with each bar sub-divided into hours of the day

Requested procedure frequency

Bar chart of requested procedure name frequency

Requested procedure DLP

Bar chart of average DLP per requested procedure name
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Requested procedure events

Bar chart of average number of radiation events per requested procedure name
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Requested procedure DLP over time

Line chart of average DLP over time
for each study description

Available radiographic charts

Chart name

Chart type

Acquisition frequency

Bar chart of acquisition protocol frequency

Acquisition DAP

Bar chart of average DAP per acquisition protocol
Boxplot with data point per acquisition protocol
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Acquisition mAs

Bar chart of average mAs per acquisition protocol
Boxplot with data point per acquisition protocol
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Acquisition kVp

Bar chart of average kVp per acquisition protocol
Boxplot with data point per acquisition protocol
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Acquisition DAP over time

Line chart of average DAP over time
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition mAs over time

Line chart of average mAs over time
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition kVp over time

Line chart of average kVp over time
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition DAP vs mass

Scatter chart of DAP vs patient mass
for each acquisition protocol

Study frequency

Bar chart of study description frequency

Study DAP

Bar chart of average DAP per study description
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Study DAP vs mass

Scatter chart of DAP vs patient mass for each study description

Study workload

Bar chart of number of studies carried out on each day of the
week, with each bar sub-divided into hours of the day

Requested procedure frequency

Bar chart of requested procedure name frequency

Requested procedure DAP

Bar chart of average DAP per requested procedure name
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Requested procedure DAP vs mass

Scatter chart of DAP vs patient mass
for each requested procedure name

Available fluoroscopy charts

Chart name

Chart type

Study frequency

Bar chart of study description frequency

Study DAP

Bar chart of average DAP per study description
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Study DAP over time

Line chart of average DAP over time
for each study description

Study workload

Bar chart of number of studies carried out on each day of the
week, with each bar sub-divided into hours of the day

Requested procedure frequency

Bar chart of requested procedure name frequency

Requested procedure DAP

Bar chart of average DAP per requested procedure name
Boxplot with data point per study description
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Requested procedure DAP over time

Line chart of average DAP over time
for each study description

Available mammography charts

Chart name

Chart type

Acquisition frequency

Bar chart of acquisition protocol frequency

Acquisition AGD

Bar chart of average AGDP per acquisition protocol
Boxplot with data point per acquisition protocol
Histograms also plotted if Calculate histogram data on

Acquisition average AGD vs thickness

Bar chart of average AGD for each of the following nine compressed
breast thickness bands:
min ≤ x < 20; 20 ≤ x < 30; 30 ≤ x < 40; 40 ≤ x < 50; 50 ≤ x < 60;
60 ≤ x < 70; 70 ≤ x < 80; 80 ≤ x < 90; 90 ≤ x < max

Acquisition AGD over time

Line chart of average AGD over time
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition AGD vs thickness

Scatter chart of AGD vs compressed breast thickness
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition mAs vs thickness

Scatter chart of mAs vs compressed breast thickness
for each acquisition protocol

Acquisition kVp vs thickness

Scatter chart of kVp vs compressed breast thickness
for each acquisition protocol

Study workload

Bar chart of number of studies carried out on each day of the
week, with each bar sub-divided into hours of the day

Available nuclear medicine charts

Chart name

Chart type

Study frequency

Bar chart of study description frequency

Study description workload

Bar chart of number of studies carried out on each
day of the week, with each bar sub-divided
into hours of the day

Injected dose per study

Bar chart or boxplot of average injected dose per
study description. If calculate histogram is
enabled creates a histogram of injected dose

Injected dose over time

Bar chart or boxplot of injected dose per study
description over time

Injected dose over weight

Show a scatter plot of injected dose versus
patient weight