Start all the services

Test web server

In a shell/command window, move into the openrem folder:

  • Ubuntu linux: /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openrem/

  • Other linux: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openrem/

  • Linux virtualenv: vitualenvfolder/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openrem/ (remember to activate the virtualenv)

  • Windows: C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem\

  • Windows virtualenv: virtualenvfolder\Lib\site-packages\openrem\ (remember to activate the virtualenv)

Web access on OpenREM server only

Run the built in web server:

python runserver --insecure

In a web browser on the same computer, go to http://localhost:8000/ - you should now see the message about creating users.

Web access on other computers

The built-in webserver only provides a service on the computer OpenREM is installed on by default (it’s only there really for testing). To view the OpenREM interface on another computer, you need to modify the runserver command:

python runserver --insecure

This will enable the web service to be available from other computers on the network. If your server has several network cards and you want to restrict it to one, then you can use a real address rather than Likewise you can specify the port (here it is 8000).

In a web browser on a different computer on the same network, go to (changing the IP address to the one you are running the server on) and you should see the OpenREM interface and the message about creating users.


Why are we using the --insecure option? With DEBUG mode set to True the test web server would serve up the static files. In this release, DEBUG mode is set to False, which prevents the test web server serving those files. The --insecure option allows them to be served again.

Configure the settings

  • Follow the link presented on the front page to get to the user and group administration.

Initial home page with no users in groups
Configuration menu
  • After the first users are configured, this link will no longer be presented and instead you can go to Config -> Users.

  • You will need the superuser username and password you created just after creating the database. The groups are

    • viewgroup can browse the data only

    • importsizegroup can use the csv import facility to add patient height and weight information

    • importqrgroup can use the DICOM query-retrieve facility to pull in studies, as long as they are pre-configured

    • exportgroup can view and export data to a spreadsheet

    • pidgroup can search using patient names and IDs depending on settings, and export with patient names and IDs if they are also a member of the exportgroup

    • admingroup can delete studies, configure DICOM Store/QR settings, configure DICOM keep or delete settings, configure patient ID settings, and abort and delete patient size import jobs. Members of the admingroup no longer inherit the other groups permissions.

Selecting groups in Django user admin
  • In addition to adding users to these groups, you may like to grant a second user superuser and staff status so that there are at least two people who can manage the users

  • Return to the OpenREM interface (click on View site at the top right)

Link from Django user admin back to OpenREM
  • Follow the link to see more information about how you want OpenREM to identify non-patient exposures, such as QA. See Not-patient indicator settings.

  • Go to Config -> DICOM object delete settings and configure appropriately (see Delete objects configuration)

  • Go to Config -> Patient ID settings and configure appropriately (see Patient identifiable data)

  • If you want to use OpenREM as a DICOM store, or to use OpenREM to query remote systems, go to Config -> Dicom network configuration. For more information go to Importing data to OpenREM.

  • With data in the system, you will want to go to Config -> View and edit display names and customise the display names. An established system will have several entries for each device, from each time the software version, station name or other elements changes. See Display names and user-defined modalities for more information

Start using it - add some data!

See Importing data to OpenREM