Database administration

Docker installations

Database backup

  • Open a shell (command prompt) in the Docker folder

$ docker-compose exec db pg_dump -U openremuser -d openrem_prod -F c -f /db_backup/openremdump.bak
  • To automate a regular backup (recommended) adapt the following command in a bash script:

TODAY=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d")
docker-compose -f /path/to/docker-compose.yml exec db pg_dump -U openremuser -d openrem_prod -F c -f "/db_backup/openremdump-"$TODAY".bak"
  • or powershell script:

$dateString = "{0:yyyy-MM-dd}" -f (get-date)
docker-compose -f C:\Path\To\docker-compose.yml exec db pg_dump -U openremuser -d openrem_prod -F c -f /db_backup/openremdump-$dateString.bak

You will need to ensure the backups are either regularly deleted/moved, or overwritten so that the backups don’t fill the disk.

Database restore

To restore a database backup to a new Docker container, install using the Installasjon instructions and bring the containers up, but don’t run the database commands. These instructions can also be used to create a duplicate server on a different system for testing or other purposes.

  • Requires exactly the same version of OpenREM to be installed as the database was exported from

  • Copy the database backup to the db_backup/ folder of the new install (the name is assumed to be openremdump.bak, change as necessary)

  • Open a shell (command prompt) in the new install folder (where docker-compose.yml is)

$ docker-compose exec db pg_restore --no-privileges --no-owner -U openremuser -d openrem_prod /db_backup/openremdump.bak

You may get an error about the public schema, this is normal.

  • Get the database ready and set up Django:

$ docker-compose exec openrem python migrate --fake-initial
$ docker-compose exec openrem python makemigrations remapp
$ docker-compose exec openrem python migrate --fake
$ docker-compose exec openrem python collectstatic --noinput --clear
$ docker-compose exec openrem python django-admin compilemessages

The OpenREM server should now be ready to use again.


These methods should not be required in normal use; only do this if you know what you are doing!


Start the PostgreSQL console:

$ docker-compose exec db psql -U openremuser openrem_prod
-- List users

-- List databases

-- Exit the console

pgAdmin or other PostgreSQL connections

To access the database directly by pgAdmin or other software, the ports must be exposed.

  • Edit docker-compose.yml to add the ports:

    - 5432:5432
  • If you have a database already running on the host machine, this port will prevent the container starting. In this case, change the first number in the pair to an alternative port.

  • The service will be accessible on the host machine after the containers are taken down and up again:

$ docker-compose down
$ docker-compose up -d

Linux installations

Database backup

  • Check the database username and change in the command below as necessary (openremuser)

  • Check the database name and change in the command below as necessary (openremdb)

  • You will need the password for openremuser

  • Ad hoc:

$ sudo -u postgres pg_dump -U openremuser -d openremdb -F c -f openremdump.bak
  • To automate a regular backup (recommended) adapt the following command in a bash script:

#! /bin/bash
rm -rf /path/to/db/backups/*
PGPASSWORD="mysecretpassword" /usr/bin/pg_dump -U openremuser -d openremdb -F c -f /path/to/db/backups/openremdump.bak

Database restore

  • Requires the same version of OpenREM to be installed as the database was exported from, unless you are Upgrading a native Linux install or Upgrading to a new Linux server.

  • Username can be changed on restore by specifying the new user in the restore command. The user must exist in PostgreSQL though - sudo -u postgres createuser -P openremuser if required

  • openrem/remapp/migrations/ should be empty except

$ sudo -u postgres createdb -T template0 new_openremdb_name
$ sudo -u postgres pg_restore --no-privileges --no-owner -U openremuser -d new_openremdb_name path-to/openremdump.bak
  • Update the file with the new database details, as per Configure OpenREM

  • Set up the new database with Django/OpenREM after activating the virtualenv and moving to the site-packages/openrem folder:

$ python migrate --fake-initial
$ python migrate remapp --fake
$ python makemigrations remapp
$ python migrate

Windows installations

Database backup

  • Check the database username and change in the command below as necessary (openremuser)

  • Check the database name and change in the command below as necessary (openremdb)

  • You will need the password for openremuser

  • You will need to edit the command for the path to pg_dump.exe - the 14 is likely to be a lower number

  • Ad hoc:

C:\Users\openrem>"c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin\pg_dump.exe" -U openremuser -d openremdb -F c -f windump.bak
  • To automate a regular backup (recommended) adapt the following command in a bat script:


Content to be added!

Database restore

  • Requires the same version of OpenREM to be installed as the database was exported from, unless you are Upgrading a native Windows install or Upgrading to a new Windows server.

  • Username can be changed on restore by specifying the new user in the restore command. The user must exist in PostgreSQL though - create the user in pgAdmin if required

  • openrem\remapp\migrations\ should be empty except

C:\Users\openrem>"c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\14\bin\pg_restore.exe" --no-privileges --no-owner -U openremuser -d openremdb -W windump.bak
  • Update the file with the new database details, as per Configure OpenREM

  • Set up the new database with Django/OpenREM after activating the virtualenv and moving to the site-packages\openrem folder:

(venv) E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem>python migrate --fake-initial
(venv) E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem>python migrate remapp --fake
(venv) E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem>python makemigrations remapp
(venv) E:\venv\Lib\site-packages\openrem>python migrate