
A standard installation assumes access to the internet from the computer where OpenREM is being installed. Sometimes this isn’t possible, so we’ve added instructions for an offline installation too. Currently it focuses on Windows only (for the server - the computer connected to the internet can be running any operating system).


During the installation process, you will need to install a database. For testing only, you can use the built in SQLite3 database, but for production use you will need a production grade database. This is covered in the Pre-installation preparations documentation, but as you will probably want to find the database instructions again, the links are repeated here.

Web servers

Unlike the database, the production webserver can be left till later and can be changed again at any time. However, for performance it is recommended that a production webserver is used instead of the inbuilt ‘runserver’.

On Windows or Linux, it is possible to use Apache, however for reasons relating to how Python, Apache and mod_wsgi are compiled using old Microsoft tools, this is now nearly impossible to do on the Windows platform. There is no reason for existing Windows installs with Apache to change webserver.

For Apache installs on Linux, the django website has instructions and links to get you set up.

Our recommendations for Windows and Linux are:

Quick start: One page complete install