Upgrade an offline OpenREM installation

Upgrading OpenREM requires new Python packages to be available as well as the latest version of OpenREM. These can be downloaded on any computer with Python 2.7 installed and an internet connection, though if you have trouble when installing the packages you might need to use a similar computer to the one you are installing on - same operating system and matching 32-bit or 64-bit.

OpenREM version 0.10 has a minimum Python version of 2.7.9. Use the instructions in the Upgrade to OpenREM 0.10.0 from before 0.9.1 release notes to check this before downloading the new OpenREM packages. The latest Python 2.7 installation can be obtained from https://www.python.org/downloads/windows/

  • Follow the link to the ‘Latest Python 2 release’
  • Download either the Windows x86 MSI installer for 32-bit Windows or
  • Download Windows x86-64 MSI installer for 64-bit Windows

On a computer with internet access

In a console, navigate to a suitable place and create a new directory to collect all the packages in, then use pip to download them all:

mkdir openremfiles
pip download -d openremfiles setuptools

Download specific version of Celery:

Linux server:

pip download -d openremfiles celery==4.2.2

Windows server:

pip download -d openremfiles celery==3.1.25

Download OpenREM and all other dependencies:

pip download -d openremfiles openrem==0.10.0

Copy everything to the OpenREM server

  • Copy the directory to the OpenREM server

On the OpenREM server without internet access

  • Back up your database

  • Stop any Celery workers

  • Consider temporarily disabling your DICOM Store SCP, or redirecting the data to be processed later

  • Install the new version of Python 2.7 if applicable

  • If you are using a virtualenv, activate it

Upgrade setuptools:

pip install --no-index --find-links=openremfiles setuptools -U

Install specific version of Celery:

Linux server:

pip install celery==4.2.2

Windows server:

pip install celery==3.1.25

Install OpenREM:

pip install --no-index --find-links=openremfiles openrem==0.10.0

Now go back to Migrate the database, migrate the database and finish the upgrade.