OpenREM version history

0.10.0 (2019-11-08)

  • #785 Interface: added study level comments to rfdetail.html
  • #784 Imports: added laterality under target region as per 2017 CP 1676 change
  • #783 Interface: replaced static links by dynamic versions in rfdetail.html
  • #782 Exports: fixed RF export issue with studies containing multiple modalities
  • #781 Charts: fixed issue where charts were mis-labelled if “Case-insensitive categories” was unchecked
  • #780 Interface: changed mammography accumulated laterality to use code_value rather than code_meaning
  • #779 Installation: added restriction to django-qsstats-magic version
  • #778 Imports: added summary field population tests, fixed CT RDSR Total DLP import error
  • #776 Documentation: grammar and spelling correction for PHE exports
  • #775 Exports, documentation: fixed units issue and minor docs issue for PHE DX export
  • #774 Charts: fixed issue where charts were mis-labelled if “Plot a series per system” was unchecked
  • #771 Interface: entire fluoro exam row now highlighted when dose alert exceeded
  • #770 Imports: fix to allow non-conformant Opera Swing to import
  • #769 Interface: modified to allow detail view display of Ziehm studies with missing summary data
  • #768 Charts: study- and request-level charts now use study-level summary fields to improve performance
  • #765 Imports: updated error catching to allow Philips BigBore 4DCT RDSR to import
  • #763 Imports: corrected delta week fluoro study counting for dual plane modalities
  • #762 Interface: fixed error when deleting dual plane radiography studies
  • #761 Imports: fixed issue in high dose alert e-mail code where week_delta may be used before assignment
  • #759 Database: added study level summary fields and migration function
  • #758 Configuration: corrected issues with location of js_reverse static files
  • #750 Exports: added export tailored to the 2019 PHE DX dose survey
  • #746 Imports: enabled import of GE Elite Mini View C-arm RDSR with no template declaration
  • #181 Imports: corrected import of grid information from RDSRs

0.9.1 (2019-05-16)

  • #766 Documentation: updated the Windows Celery documentation to reflect changes required to shutdown Celery 3.1.25
  • #755 Interface: fix more static URLs to allow virtual directory web server configurations
  • #754 Documentation and install: updated docs and minimum version for collectstatic_js_reverse
  • #753 Query-retrieve: removed patient age fields from study level C-FIND that were not used
  • #752 Exports: fixed missing weight field in PHE CT 2019 export
  • #749 Documentation: updated the Linux quick install docs
  • #748 Charts: fixed error that caused blank charts if series per system was selected
  • #747 Installation: changed minimum Python version for current version of Flower
  • #743 Testing: added configuration to enable testing with default logging
  • #742 Interface: sorting of task tables now works in Internet Explorer 11
  • #740 Installation: fixed Celery version to avoid dependency on Django 1.11
  • #739 Imports: fixed import errors for GE surgical fluoroscopy
  • #738 Logging: added single_date query date to log, added tasks aborts to logs
  • #737 Interface and exports: specify number of events and export to PHE 2019 CT survey specification
  • #736 Query-retrieve: duplicate study level responses now removed from query
  • #735 Imports: switched to more secure defusedxml for parsing XML in comments
  • #734 Query-retrieve: handle illegal image level response with no instance number
  • #732 Query-retrieve: added advanced option to workaround empty series issue
  • #710 Interface: time-based columns in Celery and RabbitMQ tables now sorted correctly
  • #404 Code quality: changes to lead toward Python 3 compliance

0.9.0 (2019-03-06)

  • #733 Documentation: post-release fixes for 0.9.0 docs
  • #731 Imports: fixed another issue with display names on upgrade to 0.9
  • #729 Interface: replaced hard coded URLs in displaynameview.html and review_failed_imports.html with url names
  • #727 Imports: fixed issue with display names on upgrade to 0.9
  • #726 Documentation: updated to include the new task management function
  • #725 Charts: added fluoroscopy charts of DAP and frequency per requested procedure
  • #723 Task management: fixed issue with latest version of kombu and amqp on Windows
  • #722 Interface: dual-plane DX studies are now displayed without error in filtered list and study detail page
  • #721 Documentation: removed Django Debug Toolbar from default install and documented how to install and use it
  • #720 Interface: fixed small overlap between skin dose map and irradiation type table
  • #719 Interface: fixed hardcoded link in template rffiltered.html
  • #717 Query-retrieve: fixed problem where an error was thrown if association is None
  • #716 Task manager: removed assumption of queue name from RabbitMQ management interface
  • #714 Documentation: add missing documentation about changing STATIC_URL if serving OpenREM in a virtual directory
  • #711 Query-retrieve: fixed problem for zero image series when using -toshiba flag
  • #710 Interface: Celery and RabbitMQ tables can now be sorted by clicking on column headings
  • #709 Query-retrieve: corrected query logic for multiple modalities using #627 Modality tag at study level fix
  • #708 Query-retrieve: fixed problem for empty Series Number
  • #707 Interface: fixed issue where sigdig returned an error if it was passed an empty string
  • #706 Exports: fixed problem where filters were not respected for radiographic exports
  • #705 Task manager: added Flower to install and integrated to interface
  • #704 Imports: caters for illegal use of dGy.cm2 units in RDSR for DAP values
  • #703 Interface: fixed URL lookup error for failed imports on homepage
  • #702 Query-retrieve: fixed URLs in DICOM javascript files to allow virtual-directories
  • #701 Interface: made the fluoroscopy exposure detail table sortable by clicking on headers
  • #698 Imports: allow for incorrect case in Procedure reported tag in RDSR
  • #697 Testing: added tests for fluoroscopy high dose alerts (single-plane systems)
  • #696 Interface: fixed broken Delete Studies and Entry button
  • #695 Imports: added missing name attribute for size_abort url
  • #694 Query-retrieve: added extensive logging and summary to interface
  • #693 Interface: fixed display of numbers with significant places settings and comma localisation
  • #691 Interface: fixed URL lookup error for Display Names page
  • #690 Interface: added workload stats user option entry back into config menu
  • #689 Interface: fixed URL lookup error for DICOM summary page
  • #688 Interface: Add possibility to apply known display name based on Device Observer UID (default: disabled)
  • #685 Charts: fixed link code that would otherwise cause DLP per acquisition protocol chart histogram links to fail
  • #683 Installation: added VIRTUAL_DIRECTORY to the settings file to avoid updating local_settings file on upgrade
  • #682 Charts: fixed problem where links from histogram bars didn’t filter correctly when case-insensitive categories selected
  • #681 Imports: modified RDSR import to work with Varian RDSRs
  • #679 Interface: added ability to filter CT studies on acquisition type
  • #677 Interface: added additional filter materials to convert to abbreviations
  • #676 Imports: improved error handling on patient size imports
  • #675 Exports: improved resilience when export includes malformed studies
  • #674 Documentation: amended zip command in example Orthanc configuration to work with Linux and Windows
  • #673 Imports: handle empty NumericValues and workaround for incorrect Philips Azurion AcquisitionDeviceType
  • #672 Documentation: improve and extend linux one-page install
  • #670 Imports: handle illegal multi-value number in Toshiba RDSR with vHP
  • #668 Code quality: library import and blank space cleanup
  • #667 Web server: enable OpenREM to be hosted from a non-root folder/virtual-directory
  • #666 Query-retrieve: handle non-return of ModalitiesInStudy correctly
  • #665 Interface: added fluoroscopy high dose highlighting and e-mail alerts
  • #662 Administration: added facility to list and purge RabbitMQ queues
  • #659 Interface: made the latest study field in summary tables on the home page sort correctly
  • #658 Interface: added display of workload stats in home page modality tables
  • #637 Administration: added facility to list and purge RabbitMQ queues
  • #554 Query-retrieve: added time as matching argument for command line use
  • #461 Web server: enable OpenREM to be hosted from a non-root folder/virtual-directory (via #667)
  • #479 Administration: added facility to list and delete failed import studies
  • #349 Task management: fixed issue with Windows tasks not being killed on request

0.8.1 (2018-09-16)

  • #663 Interface: updated column headings on home page
  • #660 Documentation: corrected and improved Linux one-page install
  • #659 Interface: made the summary tables on the home page sortable by clicking on headers
  • #656 Install: pegged django-debug-toolbar to 1.9.1 until Django is upgraded
  • #654 Documentation: supplemented the Orthanc Lua file config option docs
  • #653 Docs: clarified notes to get link to Orthanc lua file correct on release
  • #652 Documentation: added docs showing Celery daemonisation in Linux
  • #651 Documentation: added one-page full setup Ubuntu 18.04 install instructions
  • #650 Documentation: modified quick install virtualenv docs
  • #649 Documentation: instructions for updating hosts file for Ubuntu and RabbitMQ
  • #648 Documentation: clarified Toshiba options when not required
  • #647 Documentation: updated link to pixelmed
  • #646 Modified Celery import to avoid name clash in some circumstances
  • #645 Imports: prevent import failure when text is used in filter thickness field in DX image
  • #644 Exports: fixed error in exporting non-ASCII CT protocol acquisition names
  • #643 Installation: updated docs to make use of pip binaries for Postgres connector and numpy, Windows and Linux
  • #642 Skin dose maps: added catch for error when there are no events in the study
  • #641 Exports: mammography exports from filtered pages sorted by AGD no longer result in duplicate studies
  • #640 Exports: error in filter listing for NHSBSP csv exports corrected
  • #639 Charts: fixed problem where a blank category name may not be displayed correctly
  • #638 Skin dose maps: added a link to download data for stand-alone openSkin even when map displayed
  • #627 DICOM Networking: implemented workaround for query “bug” in Impax 6.6
  • #606 Interface: Made it possible for the user to change his/her password

0.8.0 (2018-06-11)

  • #635 Documentation: added Orthanc as preferred third party DICOM Store service
  • #634 Documentation: updated docs for import and query-retrieve duplicates processing
  • #633 Charts: fixed issue where charts failed if bar chart series name was null
  • #632 DICOM: move requests for queries that don’t exist now fail gracefully
  • #631 Skin dose maps: bug fixed that prevented message from displaying on screen when skin dose map cannot be calculated
  • #630 Documentation: improved installation instructions
  • #628 Imports: fixed code for importing when there are duplicate DX or MG studies in the database
  • #626 DICOM: isolated the generate modalities in study function and added testing
  • #625 Imports: now using event level UIDs to process continued, cumulative and duplicate RDSRs
  • #624 Charts: removed filter link on number of events histogram as it was not functioning correctly
  • #623 Imports: changed name of Toshiba image based extractor routine
  • #621 Documentation: reversed install order of openrem and pynetdicom due to new pydicom release
  • #619 Documentation: added workaround for outdated dictionary issues
  • #618 DICOM: fixed image level query that prevented RDSRs from being found
  • #617 Imports: fixed issue with multi study exams crashing the Toshiba extractor
  • #616 Documentation: added information for pip download -d
  • #615 Exports: added Target Exposure Index and Deviation Index to radiographic exports
  • #614 Exports: handle error when study is deleted during sheet creation for exports
  • #613 Imports: fixed dual modality type imports after ‘dual’ designation from ref #580
  • #612 Imports: prevented crash when RDSR was imported with AcquisitionProtocol sequence with no TextValue
  • #610 DICOM: query-retrieve changed to work for duplicate RDSRs, ref #114
  • #609 Interface: fixed the feature that toggles the selection when clicking anywhere on a display name table row
  • #608 Interface: fixed the broken sorting of display name table
  • #603 Interface: fixed JavaScript error if there are any None values in fluoro detail irradiation type table
  • #602 Skin dose maps: fixed error when there are multiple kVp values for a single irradiation event
  • #599 Installation: postgres instructions now include note about differing security choices
  • #597 Skin dose maps: documented that using a production webserver the default timeout value must be increased
  • #596 Documentation: added docs for using Gunicorn and NGINX on linux
  • #594 Display: corrected display of dual-plane DAP and RP dose in RF filtered view
  • #593 Imports: properly handles MultiValue filter material tags and permits aluminium spelling
  • #592 Documentation: added docs for using IIS on Windows
  • #589 Exports: now handles zero studies and studies deleted during exports sensibly
  • #587 Documentation: added instructions for Linux users to rotate logs
  • #586 Documentation: updated exports and detailed how pulse level data is exported
  • #585 Documentation: added information about multiple cumulative RDSRs
  • #584 Import, Interface, Export: RDSR with pulse level data now function
  • #583 Documentation: added information about dual mode modalities and deleting all from an X-ray unit
  • #582 Celery: updated results backend as amqp deprecated and slow
  • #581 Import scripts: interpreter line now always first, functions imported specifically
  • #580 Imports and Interface: one modality creating both DX and RF can now be handled appropriately
  • #579 Imports: dummy values for Toshiba CT import function now in, log file config in docs
  • #578 Exports: fixed NHSBSP export that was excluding RDSR imported Hologic studies
  • #575 Exports: export page now updates using AJAX and has a select all button
  • #573 Exports: corrected and clarified exposure time and duration units, added number of pulses
  • #572 Interface: homepage now populates as AJAX to increase responsiveness
  • #570 Charts: simplified chart function code
  • #569 Charts: fixed frequency issue with mean averages selected
  • #568 Imports: missing DICOM date-time no longer causes an error
  • #567 Celery: fixed dual-namespace imports of tasks
  • #566 Interface: correctly show “assumed patient mass” in case of set value of zero
  • #565 Interface: correctly handle dose area product with zero value
  • #564 Skin dose maps: text information on skin dose maps now embedded when saving the 2d or 3d map as a graphic
  • #562 Skin dose maps: error message on calculation failure now more explicit
  • #561 Imports: patient orientation modifier now correctly extracted from RDSR
  • #560 Exports: added study level comments
  • #559 Interface: date pickers inconsistent start day fixed
  • #558 Skin dose maps: set defaults instead of crashing if kV, dose, table or tube/detector position are missing
  • #557 Skin dose maps: improved construction of patient orientation code
  • #556 Exports: DX exports where TotalNumberOfRadiographicFrames is not populated now export
  • #552 Documentation: documented extractor for older Toshiba CT scanners
  • #551 Documentation: added procedure for opening csv files in Excel with non-ASCII characters
  • #550 Documentation: added a note to describe exposure time and duration for fluoroscopy studies
  • #549 Documentation: added procedure for fixing laterality on Hologic studies, ref #411
  • #547 Interface: improved handling of available time information for fluoro studies
  • #546 Query Retrieve: added flag and functionality to query for Toshiba images
  • #544 Interface: added procedure, requested procedure to summary listings and details and filtering
  • #543 Interface: added drop-down box to choose how many studies are displayed on filtered pages
  • #542 Interface: added display name to all detailed html pages
  • #541 Documentation: updated for celery on Windows
  • #540 Documentation: updated for current skinDose functionality
  • #539 Documentation: updated chart document to include series toggle buttons
  • #537 Charts: hide series function added
  • #536 Code quality: reduced javascript duplication and collected file groups into subfolders
  • #535 Interface: fixed problem where category names that included a plus symbol caused filtering and chart issues
  • #534 Interface: chart drilldown reported as not working - was actually due to a user’s database migrations
  • #533 Query Retrieve: Reduced number of simultaneous associations to one, reused for everything
  • #532 DICOM: documented how to work-around missing encoding charsets due to old pydicom
  • #529 Charts: added CT charts of number of irradiation events per study description and requested procedure
  • #528 Query Retrieve: reduced number of simultaneous associations to one, reused for everything
  • #526 Code quality: addressed some of the code quality/style issues raised by Codacy
  • #525 Importing: improved mammo import by checking compression force before converting to float
  • #524 Importing: improved mammo import by checking anode exists before converting to DICOM terms
  • #523 Importing: changed mammo import to use del_no_match instead of del_mg_im if not mammo
  • #522 Documentation: made it clearer on offline-install docs that version numbers will change
  • #521 Testing: added tests for dual source CT imports
  • #520 Imports: removed XML styling from Philips legacy CT comment creation
  • #519 Skin dose maps: fixed black on black text issue
  • #518 Importing: fixed imports where CT Target Region isn’t specified
  • #517 Interface: operator name is now displayed on the detail page for each modality, along with physician for CT and fluoro
  • #516 Imports: MultiValue person names are now stored as a decoded string, not a list
  • #511 Testing: develop and other branches can now be deployed to and automatically
  • #510 Imports: ‘not-patient-indicators’ can now be configured in the interface
  • #509 Skin dose maps: now recalculated on view if recorded height or weight has changed since last calculation
  • #508 Testing: DX sample files are now tested
  • #507 Interface: Mammo now filterable by study description, procedure, requested procedure and acquisition protocol
  • #506 Documentation: updated query-retrieve docs
  • #505 Charts: n is now displayed on charts
  • #504 Charts: Fixed issue with null values
  • #503 Internationalisation: more robust decoding and use of unicode throughout
  • #502 Testing: tests now work with SQLite3 and PostgreSQL databases
  • #501 Imports: Changed field type for CodeValue from 16 chars to text, allows for illegal long values
  • #500 Imports: Philips SC Dose Info with missing time stamps now import
  • #499 Imports: Now aborts gracefully with error log if no template in RDSR
  • #498 Exports: Missing units added to header fields
  • #497 Interface: Detailed fluoro study view: added irradiation type, pulse rate, dose to ref. point, secondary angle, total DAP and ref. point dose from each irradition type
  • #495 Charts: Reduced time taken to render scatter plots with multiple series
  • #494 Charts: Charts now ignore blank and zero-value data when calculating mean, median and number of events
  • #493 Charts: Added user option to made chart categories all lower case
  • #492 Exports: Each view is now unique for NHSBSP mammo exports as required by the NCCPM database
  • #491 Imports, Interface and Exports: CT Dose Check alerts and notifications are now extracted, displayed and exported
  • #490 Exports: Response object included for messages - removed as now asynchronous
  • #489 Exports: NHSBSP mammo exports deals with all views, excludes biopsies and specimens
  • #488 Exports: All exports now include study time
  • #487 Imports: CT RDSR now imports ‘procedure context’ correctly
  • #486 Imports: CT RDSR now imports ‘NameOfPhysiciansReadingStudy’ correctly
  • #485 Imports: CT RDSR now imports ‘target region’ correctly
  • #484 Exports and Interface: Exports and interface page views are now more efficient and (much) faster
  • #482 Imports: DX extractor now extracts acquisition protocol, requested procedure name and study name for Fuji Go mobile; extracts acquisition protocol for Toshiba Radrex equipment; extracts requested procedure name from Carestream DRX-Revolution mobiles
  • #480 Imports: Code and instructions to create and import an RDSR from Toshiba CT dose summary images and studies
  • #476 Imports: Mixed latin-1 and UTF8 characters now imported, but need to be handled better if possible
  • #475 Query Retrieve: Made -sr a stand-alone option - it has a very niche use-case!
  • #474 Logging: Changing to DEBUG logging level in will now be respected
  • #473 Query Retrieve: Added tests
  • #472 Query Retrieve: Overhauled the query retrieve routines
  • #471 Internationalisation: added configuration and docs to set the timezone
  • #470 Query Retrieve: Optimised CT filtering
  • #468 Query Retrieve: Station names can now be used for filtering if returned
  • #467 Testing: Added tests for mammography RDSR imports
  • #466 Query Retrieve: RDSR now retrieved in preference to images for MG and DX/CR
  • #465 Added newer SSDE and water equivalent diameter fields to database
  • #464 Imports: DX RDSR now imported properly
  • #463 Imports: Properly checks that Enhanced SR are GE dose reports before importing
  • #460 Interface: Display names table now sortable
  • #458 Exports: Filter thicknesses are rounded to max 4 significant figures on export
  • #454 Exports: Mean filter thickness now reported in exports
  • #453 Imports: DX with min filter thickness greater than max have values switched on import
  • #452 Exports: Added CTDIw phantom size to CT exports
  • #451 Skin dose maps: fixed issue with filters being referenced before being defined
  • #450 Imports: DX imports with filter thickness of 0.00 are now recorded as such
  • #449 Exports: Fixed a bug that prevented fluoro exports if protocol names had non-ASCII characters
  • #448 Documentation: Added a diagram showing the relationship between the OpenREM system components
  • #447 Imports: Modified rdsr and ctdetail template to import and display data from Pixelmed generated Toshiba RDSR
  • #446 Import: Extract additional Philips private information for Allura Xper systems, create workaround for missing end angles for rotational acquisitions
  • #445 Interface: Added function for user to determine between DX and fluoro for ambiguous modalities
  • #444 Imports: DX systems that submit RDSRs that look like fluoro can now be reclassified using #445
  • #443 Exports: Accession number and ID are now exported to XLSX as text. Thanks to @LuukO
  • #442 Exports: Fixed RF exports with multiple filters, added tests. Thanks to @LuukO
  • #441 Charts: Fixed a bug that broke chart links containing non-ASCII characters
  • #440 Charts: Fixed a bug in sorting.js so that undefined strings are handled correctly
  • #439 Charts: Added controls for plotting a series per system and calculation histogram data to each filtered view
  • #438 Skin dose maps: skin dose maps successfully calculated from existing studies; indication of assumed or extracted data shown
  • #434 Internationalisation: added passing char_set throughout the extractor functions (since largely made redundant again!)
  • #432 Imports: RDSR import function now looks in comment field for patient_table_relationship data
  • #431 Imports: fixed DX imports with MultiValue filter values (Cu+Al) again!
  • #430 Exports: fixed DX exports with multiple filters again, added tests
  • #429 Charts: added new mammo scatter plots. Thanks to @rijkhorst
  • #427 Testing: added a large number of tests that are automatically run on commit to bitbucket
  • #414 Reduced use of JavaScript global variables and improved JavaScript objects
  • #411 Imports: fixed laterality and accumulated AGD failure for Hologic DBT proprietary projection images
  • #323 Documentation: code autodocumentation largely now working again
  • #318 Database management: Display names view can be used to review and delete all studies from one source
  • #114 Imports: Subsequent RDSRs of the same study will now replace existing study in database
  • #61 Skin dose maps: These have been re-enabled, and currently work for Siemens systems

0.7.4 (2016-10-17)

  • #436 Install: temporary fix blocking django-filter latest version that breaks OpenREM
  • #431 Imports: fixed DX imports with MultiValue filter values (Cu+Al)
  • #430 Exports: fixed DX exports with multiple filters (Cu + Al)

0.7.3 (2016-08-30)

  • #426 Charts: added css so that wide chart data tables are displayed above the filter form div
  • #425 Exports: fixed error with non-ASCII characters being exported to csv
  • #424 Charts: fixed error where png or svg export of chart would show incorrect x-axis labels
  • #423 Charts: fixed error where some chart plotting options were not updated after being changed by the user
  • #422 Charts: added a button below each chart to toggle the display of the data table
  • #421 Charts: fixed error where only some scatter plot data was being exported to csv or xls files
  • #420 Charts: fixed error where frequency pie charts were only showing data from the first system
  • #419 Interface: fixed error where “Cancel” was ignored when deleting study in Firefox browser
  • #418 Exports: fixed error when exporting fluoroscopy study with missing xray_filter_material
  • #416 Charts: improved efficiency of JavaScript
  • #415 Database: migration for 0.6 upgraded installs to fix acquisition_device_type failures
  • #413 Documentation: removed erroneous reference to store queue in stop celery command
  • #410 Charts: fixed display of bar charts containing only one data point
  • #408 Charts: Increased number of items that can be shown on some Highcharts plots
  • #407 Fixed issue where skin dose map data was not being calculated on import
  • #406 Replaced Math.log10 JavaScript function with alternative function to fix IE11 skin dose map error
  • #405 Altered multi-line cell links in filtered pages so they work with IE8

0.7.1 (2016-06-10)

  • #403 Now deals with PersonName fields with latin-1 extended characters correctly
  • #402 Skin dose map data pickle files saved using gzip compression to save space
  • #401 Updated skin dose map documentation to say it won’t be in this release
  • #400 Strings are encoded as UTF-8 before being hashed to prevent errors with non-ASCII characters
  • #399 Migration file brought up to date for 0.6 to 0.7 upgrades
  • #398 Skin exposure maps are now stored in folders (feature postponed for future release)
  • #397 Skin exposure maps no longer available until orientation errors are fixed
  • #396 Charts: zooming on bar charts of average value vs. category now works
  • #395 Docs: offline Windows install instructions created, plus offline upgrade instructions
  • #394 Charts: made charts resize to fit containing div when browser is resized
  • #392 Charts: normalised histogram tooltip now correctly reports frequency
  • #391 Basic troubleshooting is now documented
  • #390 Charts: mammography and fluoroscopy charts added
  • #389 Charts: series without a name are now plotted under the name of Blank rather than not being plotted at all
  • #387 Added laterality to mammography exports
  • #385 Fixed issue with non-ASCII letters in RDSR sequence TextValue fields
  • #384 Fluoro exports for OpenSkin only consider copper filters now
  • #383 Refreshed to django 1.8 including updating template settings and TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS
  • #380 Tube current now extracted from Siemens Intevo RDSR despite non-conformance
  • #379 Exposure time now populated for fluoro if not supplied by RDSR
  • #378 The display name of multiple systems can now be updated together using a single new name
  • #376 Corrected an ill-advised model change
  • #374 CTDIw phantom size now displayed in CT detail view
  • #373 Charts in some releases used GT rather than greater than or equal to for start date, now fixed
  • #372 Mammography studies now record an accumulated AGD per breast. Existing joint accumulated AGD values won’t be changed. Ordering by Accumulated AGD now creates an entry per accumulated AGD, one per breast
  • #371 Mammo RDSR generates average mA where not recorded, mammo image populates mA
  • #370 Added study description to mammography export
  • #369 Bi-plane fluoroscopy studies now export correctly
  • #368 Mammo RDSR now imports correctly
  • #365 Tube filtration is now displayed in the RF detail view
  • #364 Philips Allura fluorscopy RDSRs now import correctly
  • #362 Display of RF where bi-plane RDSRs have been imported no longer crash the interface
  • #360 Charts: saving data from average data charts as csv or xls now includes frequency values
  • #359 Added missing ‘y’ to query retrieve command line help
  • #358 Charts: chart sorting links and instructions now hidden when viewing histograms
  • #357 Charts: button to return from histogram now displays the name of the main chart
  • #356 Charts: histogram normalise button appears for all appropriate charts
  • #355 Charts: sorting now works as expected for plots with a series per system
  • #352 Fixed CT xlsx exports that had complete study data in each series protocol sheet (from earlier beta)
  • #351 Charts: simplified chart JavaScript and Python code
  • #350 DICOM networking documented for use with 3rd party store and advanced use with native
  • #348 Study delete confirmation page now displays total DAP for DX or CR radiographic studies
  • #346 Charts: exporting a chart as an image no longer requires an internet connection
  • #345 CSV size imports in cm are now stored as m in the database. Interface display of size corrected.
  • #343 Charts: user can now specify number of histogram bins in the range of 2 to 40
  • #342 Charts: improved the colours used for plotting chart data
  • #340 Fixed store failure to save due to illegal values in Philips private tags, improved exception code
  • #339 Improved extraction of requested procedure information for radiographic studies
  • #338 Fix Kodak illegally using comma in filter thickness values
  • #335 DICOM Store keep_alive and echo_scu functions now log correctly
  • #334 Fixed issue with tasks needing to be explicitly named
  • #333 Fixed StoreSCP not starting in beta 11 error
  • #332 Charts: some charts can now be plotted with a series per x-ray system
  • #331 Keep_alive tasks are now discarded if not executed, so don’t pile up
  • #329 All existing logging is now done via the same log files
  • #328 Store SCP no longer uses Celery tasks
  • #327 Celery workers now only take one task at a time
  • #325 Charts: switching charts off now leaves the user on the same page, rather than going to the home page
  • #324 Charts: forced chart tooltip background to be opaque to make reading the text easier
  • #320 The week now begins on Monday rather than Sunday on date form fields
  • #316 Query retrieve function can now exclude and include based on strings entered
  • #315 Charts: made size of exported chart graphics follow the browser window size
  • #314 One version number declaration now used for distribute, docs and interface
  • #313 Replaced non-working function with code to extract SeriesDescription etc in query response message
  • #312 Display names are now grouped by modality
  • #311 Queries are deleted from database after a successful C-Move
  • #310 Series level QR feedback now presented. Any further would require improvements in pynetdicom
  • #309 StoreSCP now deals safely with incoming files with additional transfer syntax tag
  • #308 Secondary capture images that don’t have the manufacturer field no longer crash the StoreSCP function
  • #306 Charts: added a button to each chart to toggle full-screen display
  • #305 Added links to documentation throughout the web interface
  • #304 Date of birth is now included in all exports that have either patient name or ID included
  • #303 Fixed a typo in 0.6.0 documents relating to the storescp command
  • #302 Improved handling of Philips Dose Info objects when series information sequence has UN value representation
  • #301 Charts: fixed bug that could stop average kVp and mAs radiographic plots from working
  • #300 Calling AE Title for Query Retrieve SCU is now configured not hardcoded
  • #299 Hash of MultiValued DICOM elements now works
  • #298 Added ordering by accumulated AGD for mammographic studies
  • #297 Fixed ordering by Total DAP for radiographic studies
  • #296 StoreSCP now logs an error message and continues if incoming file has problems
  • #295 Charts: fixed bug that arose on non-PostgreSQL databases
  • #294 Harmonised time display between filter list and detail view, both to HH:mm
  • #292 Added keep-alive and auto-start to DICOM stores
  • #291 Charts: fixed issue with CTDI and DLP not showing correct drilldown data
  • #290 Added new tables and fields to migration file, uses #288 and median code from #241
  • #289 Crispy forms added into the requires file
  • #288 Added device name hashes to migration file
  • #286 Increased granularity of permission groups
  • #285 Tidied up Options and Admin menus
  • #284 Fixed DICOM Query that looped if SCP respected ModalitiesInStudy
  • #282 Missing javascript file required for IE8 and below added
  • #281 Added check to import function to prevent extract failure
  • #280 Fixed typo in mammography export
  • #279 Charts: Fixed issue with median CTDI series from appearing
  • #278 Charts: Fixed javascript namespace pollution that caused links to fail
  • #277 Overhaul of acquisition level filters to get tooltip generated filters to follow through to export
  • #276 Unique fields cannot have unlimited length in MySQL - replaced with hash
  • #274 Charts: Fixed legend display issue
  • #273 Charts: Added plots of average kVp and mAs over time for DX
  • #272 Tweak to display of exam description for DX
  • #271 Fixed DX import failure where AcquisitionDate or AcquisitionTime are None
  • #270 Django 1.8 Admin site has a ‘view site’ link. Pointed it back to OpenREM
  • #268 Improved population of procedure_code_meaning for DX imports
  • #266 DICOM C-Store script added back in - largely redundant with web interface
  • #265 DICOM Store and Query Retrieve services documented
  • #263 Settings for keeping or deleting files once processed moved to database and web interface
  • #262 Dealt with issue where two exposures from the same study would race on import
  • #260 Fixed issue where import and export jobs would get stuck behind StoreSCP task in queue
  • #259 Link to manage users added to Admin menu
  • #258 Fixed DX import error where manufacturer or model name was not provided
  • #257 Documentation update
  • #256 Fixed errors with non-ASCII characters in imports and query-retrieve
  • #255 Charts: Small y-axis values on histograms are more visible when viewing full-screen
  • #254 Charts: Simplified chart data processing in the templates
  • #253 Charts: AJAX used to make pages responsive with large datasets when charts enabled
  • #252 Fixed duplicate entries in DX filtered data for studies with multiple exposures
  • #248 Charts: can now be ordered by frequency or alphabetically
  • #247 Fixed incorrect reference to manufacturer_model_name
  • #246 Charts: Added median data for PostgreSQL users
  • #245 Fixed error in csv DX export
  • #244 Fixed issue where scripts wouldn’t function after upgrade to Django 1.8
  • #243 Added distance related data to DX exports
  • #242 Distance source to patient now extracted from DX images
  • #241 Charts: Median values can be plotted for PostgreSQL users
  • #240 Charts: Improved DAP over time calculations
  • #239 Configurable equipment names to fix multiple sources with the same station name
  • #237 Charts: Tidied up plot data calculations in
  • #235 Added patient sex to each of the exports
  • #234 Charts: Fixed error with datetime combine
  • #232 Charts: on or off displayed on the home page
  • #231 Charts: made links from requested procedure frequency plot respect the other filters
  • #230 Fixed error in OperatorsName field in DICOM extraction
  • #229 Charts: Added chart of DLP per requested procedure
  • #223 Charts: speed improvement for weekday charts
  • #217 Charts: Further code optimisation to speed up calculation time
  • #207 DICOM QR SCU now available from web interface
  • #206 DICOM Store SCP configuration now available from web interface
  • #183 Added options to store patient name and ID, and options to hash name, ID and accession number
  • #171 Root URL now resolves so /openrem is not necessary
  • #151 Suspected non-patient studies can now be filtered out
  • #135 GE Senographe DS now correctly records compression force in Newtons for new imports
  • #120 Improved testing of data existing for exports
  • #118 Upgraded to Django 1.8
  • #70 User is returned to the filtered view after deleting a study
  • #61 Skin dose maps for fluoroscopy systems can now be calculated and displayed

0.6.2 (2016-01-27)

  • #347 Django-filter v0.12 has minimum Django version of 1.8, fixed OpenREM 0.6.2 to max django-filter 0.11
  • #341 Changed references to the OpenSkin repository for 0.6 series.

0.6.1 (2015-10-30)

  • #303 Corrected name of Store SCP command in docs

0.6.0 (2015-05-14)

  • #227 Fixed import of RDSRs from Toshiba Cath Labs
  • #226 Charts: Updated Highcharts code and partially fixed issues with CTDIvol and DLP combined chart
  • #225 Charts: Added link from mAs and kVp histograms to associated data
  • #224 Charts: Added link from CTDIvol histograms to associated data
  • #221 Charts: Fixed issue where filters at acquisition event level were not adequately restricting the chart data
  • #219 Charts: Fixed issue where some charts showed data beyond the current filter
  • #217 Charts: Code optimised to speed up calculation time
  • #216 Fixed typo that prevented import of RSDR when DICOM store settings not present
  • #215 Charts: Fixed x-axis labels for mean dose over time charts
  • #214 Charts: Improved consistency of axis labels
  • #213 Fixed admin menu not working
  • #212 Charts: Created off-switch for charts
  • #210 OpenSkin exports documented
  • #209 Charts: Fixed server error when CT plots switched off and filter form submitted
  • #208 Charts: Fixed blank chart plotting options when clicking on histogram tooltip link
  • #205 Charts: Fixed issue of histogram tooltip links to data not working
  • #204 Charts: Fixed issue of not being able to export with the charts features added
  • #203 Charts: Fixed display of HTML in plots issue
  • #202 Charts: Added mean CTDIvol to charts
  • #200 Charts: Now exclude Philips Ingenuity SPRs from plots
  • #196 Added comments and entrance exposure data to DX export
  • #195 Fixed error with no users on fresh install
  • #194 Added more robust extraction of series description from DX
  • #193 Charts: Fixed reset of filters when moving between pages
  • #192 Created RF export for OpenSkin
  • #191 Charts: Factored out the javascript from the filtered.html files
  • #190 Charts: Added time period configuration to dose over time plots
  • #189 Charts: Fixed plotting of mean doses over time when frequency not plotted
  • #187 Charts: Merged the charts work into the main develop branch
  • #186 Fixed duplicate data in DX exports
  • #179 Charts: Added kVp and mAs plots for DX
  • #177 Charts: Fixed issue with date ranges for DX mean dose over time charts
  • #176 Charts: Added link to filtered dataset from mean dose over time charts
  • #175 Charts: Allowed configuration of the time period for mean dose trend charts to improve performance
  • #174 Charts: Fixed number of decimal places for mean DLP values
  • #173 Charts: Fixed plot of mean DLP over time y-axis issue
  • #170 Charts: Added plot of mean dose over time
  • #169 Charts: Improved chart colours
  • #157 Charts: Added chart showing number of studies per day of the week, then hour in the day
  • #156 Charts: Fixed issue with some protocols not being displayed
  • #155 Charts: Added chart showing relative frequency of protocols and study types
  • #140 Charts: Added configuration options
  • #139 Charts: Link to filtered dataset from histogram chart
  • #138 Charts: Number of datapoints displayed on tooltip
  • #135 Mammography compression force now only divides by 10 if model contains senograph ds Change in behaviour
  • #133 Documented installation of NumPy, initially for charts
  • #41 Preview of DICOM Store SCP now available
  • #20 Modality sections are now suppressed until populated

0.5.1 (2015-03-12)

  • #184 Documentation for 0.5.1
  • #180 Rename all reverse lookups as a result of #62
  • #178 Added documentation regarding backing up and restoring PostgreSQL OpenREM databases
  • #172 Revert all changes made to database so #62 could take place first
  • #165 Extract height and weight from DX, height from RDSR, all if available
  • #161 Views and exports now look for accumulated data in the right table after changes in #159 and #160
  • #160 Created the data migration to move all the DX accumulated data from TID 10004 to TID 10007
  • #159 Modified the DX import to populate TID 10007 rather than TID 10004. RDSR RF already populates both
  • #158 Demo website created by DJ Platten:
  • #154 Various decimal fields are defined with too few decimal places - all have now been extended.
  • #153 Changed home page and modality pages to have whole row clickable and highlighted
  • #150 DJ Platten has added Conquest configuration information
  • #137 Carestream DX multiple filter thickness values in a DS VR now extracted correctly
  • #113 Fixed and improved recording of grid information for mammo and DX and RDSR import routines
  • #62 Refactored all model names to be less than 39 characters and be in CamelCase to allow database migrations and to come into line with PEP 8 naming conventions for classes.

0.5.0 (2014-11-19)

  • Pull request from DJ Platten: Improved display of DX data and improved export of DX data
  • #132 Fixed mammo export error that slipped in before the first beta
  • #130 Only creates ExposureInuAs from Exposure if Exposure exists now
  • #128 Updated some non-core documentation that didn’t have the new reference or the new openremproject folder name
  • #127 DX IOD studies with image view populated failed to export due to lack of conversion to string
  • #126 Documentation created for the radiographic functionality
  • #125 Fixes issue where Hologic tomo projection objects were dropped as they have the same event time as the 2D element
  • #123 Fixed issue where filters came through on export as lists rather than strings on some installs
  • #122 Exports of RF data should now be more useful when exporting to xlsx. Will need refinement in the future
  • #26 Extractors created for radiographic DICOM images. Contributed by DJ Platten
  • #25 Views and templates added for radiographic exposures - either from RDSRs or from images - see #26. Contributed by DJ Platten
  • #9 Import of *.dcm should now be available from Windows and Linux alike

0.4.3 (2014-10-01)

  • #119 Fixed issue where Celery didn’t work on Windows. Django project folder is now called openremproject instead of openrem
  • #117 Added Windows line endings to patient size import logs
  • #113 Fixed units spelling error in patient size import logs
  • #112 File system errors during imports and exports are now handled properly with tasks listed in error states on the summary pages
  • #111 Added abort function to patient size imports and study exports
  • #110 Converted exports to use the FileField handling for storage and access, plus modified folder structure.
  • #109 Added example MEDIA_ROOT path for Windows to the install docs
  • #108 Documented ownership issues between the webserver and Celery
  • #107 Documented process for upgrading to 0.4.2 before 0.4.3 for versions 0.3.9 or earlier
  • #106 Added the duration of export time to the exports table. Also added template formatting tag to convert seconds to natural time
  • #105 Fixed bug in Philips CT import where decimal.Decimal was not imported before being used in the age calculation
  • #104 Added documentation for the additional study export functions as a result of using Celery tasks in task #19 as well as documentation for the code
  • #103 Added documentation for using the web import of patient size information as well as the new code
  • #102 Improved handling of attempts to process patient size files that have been deleted for when users go back in the browser after the process is finished
  • #101 Set the security of the new patient size imports to prevent users below admin level from using it
  • #100 Logging information for patient size imports was being written to the database - changed to write to file
  • #99 Method for importing remapp from scripts and for setting the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE made more robust so that it should work out of the box on Windows, debian derivatives and virtualenvs
  • #98 Versions 0.4.0 to 0.4.2 had a file to avoid overwriting settings files on upgrades; renaming this file was missing from the installation documentation for new installs
  • #97 Changed the name of the export views file from ajaxviews as ajax wasn’t used in the end
  • #96 Changed mammo and fluoro filters to use named fields to avoid needing to use the full database path
  • #93 Set the security of the new exports to prevent users below export level from creating or downloading exports
  • #92 Add NHSBSP specific mammography csv export from Jonathan Cole - with Celery
  • #91 Added documentation for Celery and RabbitMQ
  • #90 Added delete function for exports
  • #89 Added the Exports navigation item to all templates, limited to export or admin users
  • #88 Converted fluoroscopy objects to using the Celery task manager after starting with CT for #19
  • #87 Converted mammography objects to using the Celery task manager after starting with CT for #19
  • #86 Digital Breast Tomosynthesis systems have a projections object that for Hologic contains required dosimetry information
  • #85 Fix for bug introduced in #75 where adaption of ptsize import for procedure import broke ptsize imports
  • #74 ‘Time since last study’ is now correct when daylight saving time kicks in
  • #39 Debug mode now defaults to False
  • #21 Height and weight data can now be imported through forms in the web interface
  • #19 Exports are now sent to a task manager instead of locking up the web interface

Reopened issue

  • #9 Issue tracking import using *.dcm style wildcards reopened as Windows cmd.exe shell doesn’t do wildcard expansion, so this will need to be handled by OpenREM in a future version

0.4.2 (2014-04-15)

  • #83 Fix for bug introduced in #73 that prevents the import scripts from working.

0.4.1 (2014-04-15)

  • #82 Added instructions for adding users to the release notes

0.4.0 (2014-04-15)


  • #80 Added docs for installing Apache with auto-start on Windows Server 2012. Contributed by JA Cole
  • #79 Updated README.rst instructions
  • #78 Moved upgrade documentation into the release notes page
  • #77 Removed docs builds from repository
  • #76 Fixed crash if exporting from development environment
  • #75 Fixed bug where requested procedure wasn’t being captured on one modality
  • #73 Made launch scripts and ptsizecsv2db more robust
  • #72 Moved the secret key into the local documentation and added instructions to change it to release notes and install instructions
  • #71 Added information about configuring users to the install documentation
  • #69 Added documentation about the new delete study function
  • #68 Now checks sequence code meaning and value exists before assigning them. Thanks to JA Cole
  • #67 Added ‘Contributing authors’ section of documentation
  • #66 Added ‘Release notes’ section of documentation, incuding this file
  • #65 Added new file for database settings and other local settings
  • #64 Fixed imports failing due to non-conforming strings that were too long
  • #63 The mammography import code stored the date of birth unnecessarily. Also now gets decimal_age from age field if necessary
  • #60 Removed extraneous colon from interface data field
  • #18 Studies can now be deleted from the web interface with the correct login
  • #16 Added user authentication with different levels of access
  • #9 Enable import of *.dcm

0.3.9 (2014-03-08)


#51 includes changes to the database schema – make sure South is in use before upgrading. See

  • #59 CSS stylesheet referenced particular fonts that are not in the distribution – references removed
  • #58 Export to xlsx more robust - limitation of 31 characters for sheet names now enforced
  • #57 Modified the docs slightly to include notice to convert to South before upgrading
  • #56 Corrected the mammography target and filter options added for issue #44
  • #53 Dates can now be selected from a date picker widget for filtering studies
  • #52 Split the date field into two so either, both or neither can be specified
  • #51 Remove import modifications from issue #28 and #43 now that exports are filtered in a better way after #48 and #49 changes.
  • #50 No longer necessary to apply a filter before exporting – docs changed to reflect this
  • #49 CSV exports changed to use the same filtering routine introduced for #48 to better handle missing attributes
  • #48 New feature – can now filter by patient age. Improved export to xlsx to better handle missing attributes
  • #47 Install was failing on pydicom – fixed upstream

0.3.8 (2014-03-05)

  • – File layout modified to conform to norms
  • #46 Updated documentation to reflect limited testing of mammo import on additional modalities
  • #45 was missing the licence header - fixed
  • #44 Added Tungsten, Silver and Aluminum to mammo target/filter strings to match – thanks to DJ Platten for strings
  • #43 Mammography and Philips CT import and export now more robust for images with missing information such as accession number and collimated field size
  • #42 Documentation updated to reflect #37
  • #37 Studies now sort by time and date

0.3.7 (2014-02-25)

  • #40 Restyled the filter section in the web interface and added a title to that section
  • #38 Column titles tidied up in Excel exports
  • #36 openrem_ptsizecsv output of log now depends on verbose flag
  • #35 Numbers no longer stored as text in Excel exports

0.3.6 (2014-02-24)

  • #34 Localised scripts that were on remote web servers in default Bootstrap code
  • #33 Documentation now exists for adding data via csv file
  • #24 Web interface has been upgraded to Bootstrap v3
  • #5 Web interface and export function now have some documentation with screenshots

0.3.5-rc2 (2014-02-17)

  • #32 Missing sys import bug prevented new patient size import from working

0.3.5 (2014-02-17)

  • – Prettified this document!
  • #31 Promoted patient size import from csv function to the scripts folder so it will install and can be called from the path
  • #30 Improved patient size import from csv to allow for arbitary column titles and study instance UID in addition to accession number.
  • #29 Corrected the docs URL in the readme

0.3.4-rc2 (2014-02-14)

  • #28 XLSX export crashed if any of the filter fields were missing. Now fills on import with ‘None’
  • #27 Use requested procedure description if requested procedure code description is missing

0.3.4 (2014-02-14)

  • – General improvements and addition of logo to docs
  • #23 Added Windows XP MySQL backup guide to docs
  • #22 Added running Conquest as a Windows XP service to docs
  • #15 Added version number and copyright information to xlsx exports
  • #14 Added version number to the web interface
  • #13 Improve the docs with respect to South database migrations

0.3.3-r2 (2014-02-04)

0.3.3 (2014-02-01)


Installs of OpenREM earlier than 0.3.3 will break on upgrade if the scripts are called from other programs. For example openrem_rdsr is now called

  • – Added warning of upgrade breaking existing installs to docs
  • #10 Added .py suffix to the scripts to allow them to be executed on Windows (thanks to DJ Platten)
  • #8 Removed superfluous ‘/’ in base html file, harmless on linux, prevented Windows loading stylesheets (thanks to DJ Platten)
  • #7 Added windows and linux path examples for test SQLite database creation
  • #6 Corrected renaming of example files installation instruction (thanks to DJ Platten)
  • #4 Added some text to the documentation relating to importing files to OpenREM
  • #3 Corrected copyright notice in documentation

0.3.2 (2014-01-29)

  • Initial version uploaded to