Conquest DICOM store node on Ubuntu 16.04


Ubuntu 16.04 has the Conquest DICOM server in its repositories, so this makes installation very easy. However, it isn’t the latest version and isn’t going to be updated further. However, if you are using Ubuntu 16.04 then it does make for a relatively easy install.

There are options to install with different databases – for OpenREM we’re not really going to use the database so the easiest option is to use SQLite:

sudo apt-get install conquest-sqlite

Basic configuration

Modify dgatesop.lst

Edit the dgatesop.lst file in the /etc/conquest-dicom-server folder, for example

sudo nano /etc/conquest-dicom-server/dgatesop.lst

And add the following line

XRayRadiationDoseSR 1.2.840.10008.   sop

It isn’t critical where it goes, but I tend to add it where it belongs between KeyObjectSelectionDocument and PETStorage. I also add in the spaces to make it line up, but again this is just for aesthetic reasons!

If you are pasting from the clipboard into nano from within Linux, use Shift-Ctrl-v. If you are using PuTTY in Windows to interact with Ubuntu, a right click on the mouse or Shift-Insert should paste the text into the terminal.

To save and exit from nano, use Ctrl-o (out), press return to confirm the filename and then Ctrl-x (exit).


Here will be a link to the dicom.ini config… the text below will be subsumed into it

Configure the Store SCP

Edit the dicom.ini file in the /etc/conquest-dicom-server folder, for example

sudo nano /etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini

Modify the following lines as required. The server name field – with the Conquest default of CONQUESTSRV1 – is the AE Title, so should be 16 characters or less and consist of letters and numbers with no spaces. It is case insensitive. The TCPPort is normally either 104, the standard DICOM port, or any number greater than 1023.

# Network configuration: server name and TCP/IP port#
MyACRNema                = CONQUESTSRV1
TCPPort                  = 11112

Again, save and exit.

If you’ve changed the AE Title and/or port, restart conquest:

sudo /etc/init.d/dgate restart

Testing basic configuration

Test the Store SCP by returning to OpenREM and navigating to Config -> DICOM network configuration.

Click to Add new store and enter the AE title and port you have set, along with a reference name.

Click to Submit, and you will return to the summary page which should inform you if the server is running.

Configure Conquest to work with OpenREM

The next stage is to configure Conquest to store the incoming object and ask OpenREM to process them.

Conquest configuration

At the end of the /etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini file, add the following lines. You will need to tailor them to save the file to an appropriate place. The _conquest user will need to be able to write to that location. You will also need to make sure the path to the scripts you just created are correct.

The example below assumes images will be saved in /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/, which you can create as follows:

sudo mkdir /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming
sudo chown _conquest:_conquest /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming

Each instruction in the dicom.ini file below has a destroy instruction to delete Conquest’s copy of the file and to remove it from it’s database. This isn’t the version we’ve saved in incoming to process.

sudo nano /etc/conquest-dicom-server/dicom.ini
ImportConverter0  = ifequal "%V0008,0016","1.2.840.10008."; {save to /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; system /etc/conquest-dicom-server/ /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; destroy}
# Import arguments for GE CT - uses Enhanced SR instead of Radiation Dose SR
ImportConverter1  = ifequal "%V0008,0016","1.2.840.10008."; {save to /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; system /etc/conquest-dicom-server/ /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; destroy}

# MG images
ImportModality2   = MG
ImportConverter2  = save to /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; system /etc/conquest-dicom-server/ /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; destroy

# DX images
ImportModality3   = DX
ImportConverter3  = save to /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; system /etc/conquest-dicom-server/ /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; destroy
# CR images
ImportModality4   = CR
ImportConverter4  = save to /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; system /etc/conquest-dicom-server/ /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; destroy

# Philips CT
ImportConverter5  = ifequal "%V0008,0016","1.2.840.10008."; {save to /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; system /etc/conquest-dicom-server/ /var/lib/conquest-dicom-server/incoming/%o.dcm; destroy}

# Other objects
ImportConverter6  = destroy

Finally, restart conquest to make use of the new settings:

sudo /etc/init.d/dgate restart