Adding new charts

To add a new chart several files need to be updated:




  • xxfiltered.html

  • xxChartAjax.js

  • displaychartoptions.html

Where xx is one of ct, dx, mg or rf

The additions to the files add:

  • database fields in the user profile to control whether the new charts are plotted (

  • new options on the chart plotting forms (, displaychartoptions.html)

  • extra code to calculate the data for the new charts if they are switched on (

  • a section of html and JavaScript to contain the charts (xxfiltered.html)

  • a section of JavaScript to pass the data calculated by to xxfiltered.html

The process is probably best illustrated with an example. What follows is a description of how to add a new chart that displays study workload for fluoroscopy, and a pie chart of study description frequency.

Additions to

A field per chart needs to be added to the UserProfile section in to control whether the new charts should be plotted. There is a section of this file that looks like the following:

plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP = models.BooleanField(default=True)
plotCTAcquisitionMeanCTDI = models.BooleanField(default=True)
plotCTAcquisitionFreq = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotCTStudyMeanDLP = models.BooleanField(default=True)
plotCTStudyFreq = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotCTRequestMeanDLP = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotCTRequestFreq = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotCTStudyPerDayAndHour = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotCTStudyMeanDLPOverTime = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotCTStudyMeanDLPOverTimePeriod = models.CharField(max_length=6,
plotCTInitialSortingChoice = models.CharField(max_length=4,

Two new lines needs to be added to this section, using appropriate names such as:

plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour = models.BooleanField(default=False)
plotRFStudyFreq = models.BooleanField(default=False)

Adding new fields to requires that a database migration is carried out to add the fields to the database. This is done via the command line:

python makemigrations remapp
python migrate remapp

The first command should result in a response similar to:

Migrations for 'remapp':
    - Add field plotRFAcquisitionCTDIOverTime to userprofile
    - Add field plotRFStudyFreq to userprofile

The second command should result in a response similar to:

Operations to perform:
  Apply all migrations: remapp
Running migrations:
  Rendering model states... DONE
  Applying remapp.0004_auto_20160424_1116... OK

That’s the end of the changes required in

Additions to

Two additional lines need to be added to the XXChartOptionsForm and XXChartOptionsDisplayForm methods in, where XX is one of CT, DX, MG or RF.

For our new charts the following lines needs to be added to both RFChartOptionsForm and RFChartOptionsDisplayForm:

plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour = forms.BooleanField(label='Study workload', required=False)
plotRFStudyFreq = forms.BooleanField(label='Study frequency', required=False)

In addition, a new method needs to be added so that the RF chart options are shown when the user goes to Config -> Chart options:

class RFChartOptionsDisplayForm(forms.Form):
    plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour = forms.BooleanField(label='Study workload', required=False)
    plotRFStudyFreq = forms.BooleanField(label='Study frequency', required=False)

That’s the end of the changes required in

Additions to

Four methods in this file need to be updated.

xx_summary_list_filter additions

Some additions need to be made to the xx_summary_list_filter method in, where xx is one of ct, dx, mg or rf. As we’re adding new RF charts, we need to edit rf_summary_list_filter.

A section of this method examines the user’s chart plotting preferences. Code must be added to include the new chart in these checks. An abbreviated version of the section is shown below.

# Obtain the chart options from the request
chart_options_form = RFChartOptionsForm(request.GET)
# Check whether the form data is valid
if chart_options_form.is_valid():
    # Use the form data if the user clicked on the submit button
    if "submit" in request.GET:
        # process the data in form.cleaned_data as required
        user_profile.plotCharts = chart_options_form.cleaned_data['plotCharts']
        if median_available:
            user_profile.plotAverageChoice = chart_options_form.cleaned_data['plotMeanMedianOrBoth']

        form_data = {'plotCharts': user_profile.plotCharts,
                     'plotMeanMedianOrBoth': user_profile.plotAverageChoice}
        chart_options_form = RFChartOptionsForm(form_data)

Two new lines needs to be inserted into the if and else sections for the new chart:

# Obtain the chart options from the request
chart_options_form = RFChartOptionsForm(request.GET)
# Check whether the form data is valid
if chart_options_form.is_valid():
    # Use the form data if the user clicked on the submit button
    if "submit" in request.GET:
        # process the data in form.cleaned_data as required
        user_profile.plotCharts = chart_options_form.cleaned_data['plotCharts']
        user_profile.plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour = chart_options_form.cleaned_data['plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour']
        user_profile.plotRFStudyFreq = chart_options_form.cleaned_data['plotRFStudyFreq']
        if median_available:
            user_profile.plotAverageChoice = chart_options_form.cleaned_data['plotMeanMedianOrBoth']

        form_data = {'plotCharts': user_profile.plotCharts,
                     'plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour': user_profile.plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour,
                     'plotRFStudyFreq': user_profile.plotRFStudyFreq,
                     'plotMeanMedianOrBoth': user_profile.plotAverageChoice}
        chart_options_form = RFChartOptionsForm(form_data)

xx_summary_chart_data additions

The return_structure variable needs the new user_profile fields adding.


return_structure =\
    rf_plot_calculations(f, request_results, median_available, user_profile.plotAverageChoice,
                         user_profile.plotSeriesPerSystem, user_profile.plotHistogramBins,


return_structure =\
    rf_plot_calculations(f, request_results, median_available, user_profile.plotAverageChoice,
                         user_profile.plotSeriesPerSystem, user_profile.plotHistogramBins,
                         user_profile.plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour,  user_profile.plotRFStudyFreq,

xx_plot_calculations additions

Two items needs to be added to this method’s parameters.


def rf_plot_calculations(f, request_results, median_available, plot_average_choice, plot_series_per_systems,
                         plot_histogram_bins, plot_histograms):


def rf_plot_calculations(f, request_results, median_available, plot_average_choice, plot_series_per_systems,
                         plot_histogram_bins, plot_study_per_day_and_hour, plot_study_freq, plot_histograms):

Our new charts makes use of study_events (rather than acquisition_events or request_events). We therefore need to ensure that study_events are available if the user has chosen to show the new chart.

After additions:

if plot_study_per_day_and_hour:
    study_events = f.qs

We now need to add code that will calculate the data for the new charts. This uses one of the methods in the file, located in the interface folder of the OpenREM project.

if plot_study_per_day_and_hour:
    result = workload_chart_data(study_events)
    return_structure['studiesPerHourInWeekdays'] = result['workload']

if plot_study_freq:
    result = average_chart_inc_histogram_data(study_events,
                                              plot_study_dap, plot_study_freq,
                                              plot_series_per_systems, plot_average_choice,
                                              median_available, plot_histogram_bins,

    return_structure['studySystemList'] = result['system_list']
    return_structure['studyNameList'] = result['series_names']
    return_structure['studySummary'] = result['summary']

The data in return_structure will now be available to the browser via JavaScript, and can be used to populate the charts themselves.

chart_options_view additions

The RF options form need to be imported


from remapp.forms import GeneralChartOptionsDisplayForm, DXChartOptionsDisplayForm, CTChartOptionsDisplayForm


from remapp.forms import GeneralChartOptionsDisplayForm, DXChartOptionsDisplayForm, CTChartOptionsDisplayForm,\

The RF form items need to be included

Before (abbreviated):

if request.method == 'POST':
    general_form = GeneralChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    ct_form = CTChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    dx_form = DXChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    if general_form.is_valid() and ct_form.is_valid() and dx_form.is_valid() and rf_form.is_valid():
            # See if the user has plot settings in userprofile
            user_profile = request.user.userprofile
            # Create a default userprofile for the user if one doesn't exist
            create_user_profile(sender=request.user, instance=request.user, created=True)
            user_profile = request.user.userprofile

        user_profile.plotCharts = general_form.cleaned_data['plotCharts']
        user_profile.plotHistogramBins = general_form.cleaned_data['plotHistogramBins']

        user_profile.plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP = ct_form.cleaned_data['plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP']
        user_profile.plotCTInitialSortingChoice = ct_form.cleaned_data['plotCTInitialSortingChoice']

        user_profile.plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP = dx_form.cleaned_data['plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP']
        user_profile.plotDXInitialSortingChoice = dx_form.cleaned_data['plotDXInitialSortingChoice']

    messages.success(request, "Chart options have been updated")


general_form_data = {'plotCharts': user_profile.plotCharts,
                     'plotMeanMedianOrBoth': user_profile.plotAverageChoice,
                     'plotInitialSortingDirection': user_profile.plotInitialSortingDirection,
                     'plotSeriesPerSystem': user_profile.plotSeriesPerSystem,
                     'plotHistogramBins': user_profile.plotHistogramBins}

ct_form_data = {'plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP': user_profile.plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP,
                'plotCTInitialSortingChoice': user_profile.plotCTInitialSortingChoice}

dx_form_data = {'plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP': user_profile.plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP,
                'plotDXInitialSortingChoice': user_profile.plotDXInitialSortingChoice}

general_chart_options_form = GeneralChartOptionsDisplayForm(general_form_data)
ct_chart_options_form = CTChartOptionsDisplayForm(ct_form_data)
dx_chart_options_form = DXChartOptionsDisplayForm(dx_form_data)

return_structure = {'admin': admin,
                    'GeneralChartOptionsForm': general_chart_options_form,
                    'CTChartOptionsForm': ct_chart_options_form,
                    'DXChartOptionsForm': dx_chart_options_form

After (abbreviated):

if request.method == 'POST':
    general_form = GeneralChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    ct_form = CTChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    dx_form = DXChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    rf_form = RFChartOptionsDisplayForm(request.POST)
    if general_form.is_valid() and ct_form.is_valid() and dx_form.is_valid() and rf_form.is_valid():
            # See if the user has plot settings in userprofile
            user_profile = request.user.userprofile
            # Create a default userprofile for the user if one doesn't exist
            create_user_profile(sender=request.user, instance=request.user, created=True)
            user_profile = request.user.userprofile

        user_profile.plotCharts = general_form.cleaned_data['plotCharts']
        user_profile.plotHistogramBins = general_form.cleaned_data['plotHistogramBins']

        user_profile.plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP = ct_form.cleaned_data['plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP']
        user_profile.plotCTInitialSortingChoice = ct_form.cleaned_data['plotCTInitialSortingChoice']

        user_profile.plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP = dx_form.cleaned_data['plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP']
        user_profile.plotDXInitialSortingChoice = dx_form.cleaned_data['plotDXInitialSortingChoice']

        user_profile.plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour = rf_form.cleaned_data['plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour']
        user_profile.plotRFStudyFreq = rf_form.cleaned_data['plotRFStudyFreq']

    messages.success(request, "Chart options have been updated")


general_form_data = {'plotCharts': user_profile.plotCharts,
                     'plotHistogramBins': user_profile.plotHistogramBins}

ct_form_data = {'plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP': user_profile.plotCTAcquisitionMeanDLP,
                'plotCTInitialSortingChoice': user_profile.plotCTInitialSortingChoice}

dx_form_data = {'plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP': user_profile.plotDXAcquisitionMeanDAP,
                'plotDXInitialSortingChoice': user_profile.plotDXInitialSortingChoice}

rf_form_data = {'plotDXStudyPerDayAndHour': user_profile.plotDXStudyPerDayAndHour,
                'plotRFStudyFreq': user_profile.plotRFStudyFreq}

general_chart_options_form = GeneralChartOptionsDisplayForm(general_form_data)
ct_chart_options_form = CTChartOptionsDisplayForm(ct_form_data)
dx_chart_options_form = DXChartOptionsDisplayForm(dx_form_data)
rf_chart_options_form = RFChartOptionsDisplayForm(rf_form_data)

return_structure = {'admin': admin,
                    'GeneralChartOptionsForm': general_chart_options_form,
                    'CTChartOptionsForm': ct_chart_options_form,
                    'DXChartOptionsForm': dx_chart_options_form,
                    'RFChartOptionsForm': rf_chart_options_form,

Additions to displaychartoptions.html

A new div needs to be added for the fluoroscopy chart options:

<div class="panel-heading">
  <h3 class="panel-title">Fluoroscopy chart options</h3>
<div class="panel-body">
    {% csrf_token %}
    {{ RFChartOptionsForm }}
  <input class="btn btn-default" name="submit" type="submit" />

Additions to rffiltered.html

A section of this file sets a JavaScript variable per chart. Two new ones needs to be added.


{% if request.user.userprofile.plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour %}
        var plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour = true;
        result = chartWorkload('piechartStudyWorkloadDIV', 'Studies');
{% endif %}

{% if request.user.userprofile.plotRFStudyFreq %}
        var plotRFStudyFreq = true;
        var urlStartStudy = '/openrem/rf/?{% for field in filter.form %}{% if != 'study_description' and != 'o' and field.value %}&{{ }}={{ field.value }}{% endif %}{% endfor %}&study_description=';
        result = chartFrequency('piechartStudyDIV', 'Study description frequency');
{% endif %}

A second section of code needs to be added to rffiltered.html to include a DIV for the new charts:

{% if request.user.userprofile.plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour %}
    <!-- HTML to include div container for study workload -->

        $(window).resize(function() {

    <div class="panel-group" id="accordion5">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion5" href="#collapseStudyWorkloadPieChart" onclick="setTimeout(function() {$(document).resize();}, 0);">
                        Pie chart showing a breakdown of number of studies per weekday.
            <div id="collapseStudyWorkloadPieChart" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <div id="piechartStudyWorkloadDIV" style="height: auto; margin: 0 0"></div>
                    <p>Click on a segment to be taken to a pie chart showing the breakdown per hour for that weekday.</p>
                    <a onclick="enterFullScreen('collapseStudyWorkloadPieChart', 'piechartStudyWorkloadDIV')" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" role="button">Toggle fullscreen</a>
    <!-- End of HTML to include div container for studies per week day pie chart -->
{% endif %}

{% if request.user.userprofile.plotRFStudyFreq %}
    <!-- HTML to include div container for study name pie chart -->

        $(window).resize(function() {

    <div class="panel-group" id="accordionPiechartStudy">
        <div class="panel panel-default">
            <div class="panel-heading">
                <h4 class="panel-title">
                    <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordionPiechartStudy" href="#collapseStudyPieChart" onclick="setTimeout(function() {$(document).resize();}, 0);">
                        Pie chart showing a breakdown of study name frequency.
            <div id="collapseStudyPieChart" class="panel-collapse collapse">
                <div class="panel-body">
                    <div id="piechartStudyDIV" style="height: auto; margin: 0 0"></div>
                    <a onclick="enterFullScreen('collapseStudyPieChart', 'piechartStudyDIV')" class="btn btn-default btn-sm" role="button">Toggle fullscreen</a>
    <!-- End of HTML to include div container for study name pie chart -->
{% endif %}

Additions to rfChartAjax.js

This file needs to update the skeleton chart with the data that has been provided by It does this via the appropriate routines contained in the chartUpdateData.js file. In this case, updateWorkloadChart and updateFrequencyChart:

// Study workload chart data
if(typeof plotRFStudyPerDayAndHour !== 'undefined') {
    updateWorkloadChart(json.studiesPerHourInWeekdays, 'piechartStudyWorkloadDIV', colour_scale);

// Study description frequency chart data start
if(typeof plotRFStudyFreq !== 'undefined') {
    updateFrequencyChart(json.studyNameList, json.studySystemList, json.studySummary, urlStartStudy, 'piechartStudyDIV', colour_scale);

That’s it - you should now have two new charts visible in the fluoroscopy filtered page.