
General Docker troubleshooting

All commands should be run from the folder where docker-compose.yml is.

To list the active containers:

$ docker-compose ps

To list active containers running anywhere on the system:

$ docker ps

To start the containers and detach (so you get the command prompt back instead of seeing all the logging):

$ docker-compose up -d

To stop the containers:

$ docker-compose down

To see logs of all the containers in follow mode (-f) and with timestamps (-t):

$ docker-compose logs -ft

To see logs of just one container in follow mode - use the service name from the docker-compose.yml file, choose from openrem, db (PostgreSQL), nginx (web server), orthanc_1 (DICOM server):

$ docker-compose logs -f orthanc_1

Other Docker errors

OpenREM log files

Log file location, naming and verbosity were configured in the configuration - see the Docker env configuration configuration docs for details.

The openrem.log has general logging information, the other two are specific to the DICOM store and DICOM query-retrieve functions if you are making use of them.

You can increase the verbosity of the log files by changing the log ‘level’ to DEBUG, or you can decrease the verbosity to WARNING, ERROR, or CRITICAL. The default is INFO.

To list the OpenREM log folder (with details, sorted with newest at the bottom, ‘human’ file sizes):

$ docker-compose exec openrem ls -rlth /logs

To review the openrem.log file for example:

$ docker-compose exec openrem more /logs/openrem.log

Older stuff

If you have a modality where every study has one event (usually CT), review

If planar X-ray studies are appearing in fluoroscopy or vice-versa, review

For DICOM networking:

For task management:

Log files

Starting again!

If for any reason you want to start again with the database, then this is how you might do it:

SLQite3 database

  • Delete or rename your existing database file (location will be described in your file)

  • ? ref to database creation here, if SQLite3 features anywhere?

Any database

These instructions will also allow you to keep any user settings if you use an SQLite3 database.

In a shell/command window, move into the openrem folder:

  • Ubuntu linux: cd /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/openrem/

  • Other linux: cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openrem/

  • Linux virtualenv: cd virtualenvfolder/lib/python2.7/site-packages/openrem/

  • Windows: cd C:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\openrem\

  • Windows virtualenv: cd virtualenvfolder\Lib\site-packages\openrem\

Run the django python shell:

$ python shell
>>> from remapp.models import GeneralStudyModuleAttr
>>> a = GeneralStudyModuleAttr.objects.all()
>>> a.count()  # Just to see that we are doing something!

And if you are sure you want to delete all the studies…

>>> a.delete()
>>> a.count()

>>> exit()