Running the OpenREM website in a virtual directory
If you want to run the OpenREM in a virtual directory (like http://server/dms/) you need to configure this in your web server configuration as well as in the OpenREM configuration.
The following steps are necessary:
Configure virtual directory settings in the Docker
fileUpdate Nginx webserver configuration
Update the
fileRestart the containers
Docker setup
Stop the containers if they are running before changing the configuration, using a shell (command prompt) in the Docker OpenREM installation folder
$ docker-compose down
Configure virtual directory settings in
Django needs to know the virtual directory name and which URLs the static and media files are served from.
, uncomment the following lines (remove the #
) and set them as appropriate. The
setting must have a trailing /
. For example, to serve the website from a subfolder/virtual
directory named dms
## For installations in a virtual directory
Modify webserver configuration
Edit nginx-conf/conf.d/openrem.conf
to update the locations — again using the example virtual directory dms
server {
listen 80;
location /dms/ {
proxy_pass http://openremproject;
# ...
location /dms/static/ {
alias /home/app/openrem/staticfiles/;
location /dms/media/ {
alias /home/app/openrem/mediafiles/;
Start the containers
$ docker-compose up -d
Update reverse.js
The static reverse.js file should be updated in order to change the URLs in the static javascript files.
Open a shell (command prompt) and navigate to the Docker OpenREM installation folder
$ docker-compose exec openrem python collectstatic_js_reverse
You should now be able to reach the OpenREM interface using the virtual directory address.
Non-Docker install
$ sudo systemctl stop openrem-gunicorn.service
$ sudo systemctl stop nginx.service
with the same variables as in the
file. If the values aren’t in your copy
of the file just add them in:
$ cd /var/dose/veopenrem3/lib/python3.10/site-packages/openrem/
$ nano openremproject/
STATIC_URL = "/dms/static/"
MEDIA_URL = "/dms/media/"
Modify webserver configuration
$ sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/openrem-server
server {
# ...
location /dms/static {
alias /var/dose/static;
location /dms {
proxy_pass http://unix:/tmp/openrem-server.socket;
# ...
Update reverse.js
$ . /var/dose/veopenrem3/bin/activate
$ cd /var/dose/veopenrem3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/openrem/
$ python collectstatic_js_reverse
Restart the services
$ sudo systemctl start openrem-gunicorn.service
$ sudo systemctl start nginx.service