Offline Docker installation

OpenREM can be run on a server that is not connected to the internet if required, though access to would make installation and upgrades much easier.

The server will need to have Docker and Docker Compose installed.

Collect installation files

On a computer with internet access:

$ docker pull openrem/openrem:release-1.0.0b2
$ docker pull postgres:12.0-alpine
$ docker pull openrem/nginx
$ docker pull rabbitmq:3-management-alpine
$ docker pull openrem/orthanc
  • Now save them as tar files:

$ docker save -o openrem.tar openrem/openrem:develop
$ docker save -o openrem-postgres.tar postgres:12.0-alpine
$ docker save -o openrem-nginx.tar openrem/nginx
$ docker save -o openrem-rabbitmq.tar rabbitmq:3-management-alpine
$ docker save -o openrem-orthanc.tar openrem/orthanc

If both the computer with internet access and the target server are Linux or MacOS the images can be made smaller using gzip, for example:

$ docker save openrem/openrem:develop | gzip > openrem.tar.gz

Copy all the tar files and the zip file to the server where OpenREM is to be installed.

Load the docker images

On the server where OpenREM is to be installed, in the folder containing the Docker images:

$ docker load -i openrem.tar
$ docker load -i openrem-postgres.tar
$ docker load -i openrem-nginx.tar
$ docker load -i openrem-rabbitmq.tar
$ docker load -i openrem-orthanc.tar

If you have compressed the images with gzip the command is the same but with the .gz suffix, for example:

$ docker load -i openrem.tar.gz

Check that the images have been loaded:

$ docker images

Continue to Install