OpenREM Release Notes version 0.7.1
Headline changes
Django upgraded to version 1.8
Median function added to the database if using PostgreSQL
New user-defined display name for each unique system so that rooms with the same DICOM station name are displayed separately
Patient name and ID can optionally be stored in system, available for searching and export, but not displayed
Patient name, ID and accession number can be stored as a one-way hash, and remain searchable
Permission system has become more granular
System can now accept non-ASCII characters in protocol names etc
Menus have been tidied up
Settings file has been updated
Charts and interface
Bar chart data points sorted by frequency, value or name in ascending or descending order
CT chart of DLP per requested procedure type
CT chart of requested procedure frequency
CT chart of CTDIvol per study description
Chart data returned using AJAX to make pages more responsive
Chart plotting options available via Config menu
Charts can now be made full-screen
CTDIw phantom size is displayed with the CTDIvol measurement on the CT study detail page
Charts show a series called “Blank” when the series name is
Queries for chart data now faster in most situations
Histograms can be disabled or enabled for bar charts
User-specified number of histogram bins from 2 to 40
Mammography chart of average glandular dose vs. compressed thickness
Mammography chart showing the number of studies carried out per weekday
Fluoroscopy chart of average DAP for each study description
Fluoroscopy chart of the frequency of each study description
Fluoroscopy chart showing the number of studies carried out per weekday
Context specific documentation has been added to the Docs menu
DICOM Networking
Query retrieve function is now built in to query PACS systems or modalities via the Import menu
Configuring and running DICOM Store SCP is available and managed in the web interface, but not recommended
Documentation improved
Mammography RDSRs import correctly
Mammography imports from images now create an accumulated AGD value per breast
GE Senographe DS compression now recorded correctly in Newtons for new imports
Philips Allura fluoroscopy RDSRs import correctly, including calculating the exposure time
Bi-plane fluoroscopy imports can now be displayed in the web interface
Patient height imports from csv now convert from cm to m - previously height was assumed to be cm and inserted into database without change. Existing height data will remain as cm value for csv imports, and m value for RDSR imports
Better handling of non-ASCII characters
Tube current is now extracted from Siemens Intevo RDSRs
Patient sex is included in all exports
Filters generated by navigating through charts can now be used to filter export data
Study description and laterality are now included in mammography exports
Bi-fluoroscopy studies can be exported
Skin dose maps
Skin dose maps have been withdrawn from OpenREM version 0.7.0 due to incorrect orientation calculations that need to be fixed before openSkin can be reimplemented into OpenREM
Changes since 0.7.0
Extremely minor change to the documenation links
Specific upgrade instructions
For the original upgrade instructions, the last docs release to include them was 0.10.0-docs