OpenREM Release Notes version 0.8.1

Headline changes

  • Documentation: improved docs and added one-page complete install on Ubuntu instructions

  • Install: temporary fix for dependency error

  • Interface: added feature to allow users to change their own password

  • Charts: fixed problem where a blank category name may not be displayed correctly

  • Imports: reduced list of scanners that work with the legacy Toshiba CT extractor

  • Imports: improved handling of non-conformant DX images with text in filter thickness fields

  • Query-Retrieve: added non-standard option to work-around bug in Impax C-FIND SCP

  • Exports: fixed bug in mammography NHSBSP exports that incorrectly reported the filter material in some circumstances

  • Exports: fixed bug where sorting by AGD would cause duplicate entries for bilateral studies

  • Exports: fixed another non-ASCII bug

Upgrade to current version

Upgrade to OpenREM 0.10.0 from 0.7.3 or later and then upgrade to 1.0.

Specific upgrade instructions

For the original upgrade instructions, the last docs release to include them was 0.10.0-docs